Thursday, October 7, 2010

Presentation board

This board presents all the perspectives of visual information and the over all functions of this stool design. This board shows different strengths, features and advatages and functions of the stool which is described in the text

Animation- Final design

The video animation above gives the viewers a closer look at the design. It gives the viewer a 360 degree rotation around all angles aswell as close ups of key features

Sketch up- Final deisgn

For the final developmental adjustments I have made the seat platform one whole object for a more simple visual effect. the chair has a 360 degree swivel mechanism which allows the person sitting on the chair to move around freely

Final design development

Development design 3

Development design 2

Development design 1

Stool Concept 11

Stool Concept 10

Stool Concept 9

Stool Concept 8

Stool Concept 7

Stool Concept 6

Stool Concept 5

Stool Concept 4

Stool Concept 3

Stool Concept 2

Stool Concept 1

Initial Stool ideas